Monday, September 20, 2010

First Post Tesla Roadster Experiences

I thought it would be interesting to post my experiences with my  new Tesla Roadster.  My goal for this blog, is the share the experiences of a first time EV owner.   A little background on myself: I have been driving diesel cars and trucks for the past 10+ years.  First car was a 1982 300D with a vegetable oil conversion kit, second car was a 1999 E300 Diesel, 3rd car was a 1995 E300 Diesel (all powered off homebrewed biodiesel).

If you had talked to me 3 months ago, I would have been the biggest proponent of Biodiesel, as I truly felt that this fuel was the future.  Its Carbon Neutral, can be grown domestically, and existing infrastructure exists to dispense it relatively easily.  After spending the past week with my EV I have changed my mind.  Diesel in my opinion is still vital to many industries and will always have a stronghold in those industries (i.e. trucking, remote power generation etc).  For the masses though there is no doubt in my mind that EV technology will replace internal combustion technology.  Hopefully while sharing my experiences throughout several posts on this blog I will be able to articulate it through in depth comparisons.

Another goal for this blog is not to be a cheerleader for EV technology but also illustrate the drawbacks of this technology.  I can think of a few that I have already experienced :).

Anyway I will be updating this quite frequently.  Thanks for reading

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